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Old 02-03-2017, 04:07 PM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post

I honestly didnt read his comment but you said he "quietly" went. I believe I heard he tweeted he went.

article about anarchists in todays NYT.
"I don't think she is a jerk"

Proving my point, sort of...

"not agreeing with someone's policies doesn't make them a jerk"

Do you really think I say she's a terrible person, just because of her policies? Again, I don't know how you can not know this...but I say she's a jerk because she enabled her husband's predation, she lied to protect him (said the GOP was framing him), and attacked his victims. She lied God knows how many times about the email thing. (did I wipe my server? You mean, like, with a cloth? HA HA HA, Mrs Clinton, my stomach hurts from laughing). She never, ever stops bashing everyone on my side., It's never about the merits of the issue (because her positions have almost no merit), all she can do is accuse conservatives of various kinds of hate. You're OK with that.

"she attacked her husband's victims...sure, based on what her husband told her"

Right, right. And at that point, it was reasonable to assume that he was telling the truth about all those accusations made against him. Paul, after he got impeached and dis-barred (after he admitted his lying and perversions), did she apologize for lying to protect him? Did she apologize for attacking his victims on national TV?

"you then equate that since the poor live in cities that by and large are liberal, it is the liberal policies that make them poor"

Damn right. Because it's the liberal policies that (1) make it as easy as possible for people who don't want to work, to live in cities, and (2) makes it as hard as possible, for people who do want to work, to live in cities. A nice side effect for liberals is you create a permanent underclass of poor people who, thanks to liberalism, have been robbed of work ethic and drive, so they are addicted to welfare, and will always vote for whoever promises them the most cash. Thus, they created a nice, reliable voting bloc. Who cares that they had to enslave these people, and cripple them for life, to accomplish that?

"New Haven has always had the same problems it has today"

The problems are very much worse now. Way, way, way more black fatherlessness, which has led to all sorts of problems. You deny that?

"And West Haven doesn't have problems?"

It sure does! I watched it morph from a great small town, into an uninhabitable, third world sh*thole. And guess which party has dominated West Haven politics???? Any guesses?

"It has to do a loss of manufacturing jobs."

That's part of it, sure. It also has to do with building an un-supportable amount of Section 8 housing. Again, liberal policies that attract those that take from the system, and make it brutally hard for those that want to work. It turns out that making a place as lucrative as possible for welfare recipients, and as expensive as possible for workers, is short-sighted and stupid.

Paul, look at the states that young people are moving to for economic opportunity. North Carolina. Tennessee. Georgia.
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