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Old 02-21-2017, 01:46 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Ian View Post
What he's doing isn't managing though... the fact that we're defending statements he's making a rallies 5 weeks into his presidency is crazy

His statements wouldn't have to be explained or defended if they weren't criticized almost every day of that 5 weeks. It might not seem so to you, but it is apparent to others that there is an intensive and continuous assault either on him, his family, his ideas, the way he speaks--there is nothing good said about him, so he and his staff have to constantly remind us that he got elected in an electoral landslide, etc., etc. just so he isn't successfully defined as an irrelevant "idiot" or a "clown."

He needs to stop the talk and start doing, and doing means more than a bunch of executive orders repealing stuff other people have done.

Just shut the f up and start doing some stuff.

That's the problem with how Progressives have transformed our understanding of what a President is legally, constitutionally, supposed to do. Mostly the President is not supposed to "do" much on his own volition other than foreign relations and treaties (with consent of the Senate), and oversee military matters, even start some wars that officially are not called war but foreign police actions. (Congress has the power to declare "war," not the President.)

The main duty of the President other than those few items, is to execute what Congress "does." We have made the President into some imperial autocrat who is constantly supposed to be "doing" stuff. Appointing and overseeing his cabinet and agency heads is one of the few things he is supposed to "do." And that has been stalled to a painful snails pace by the opposition. He is supposed to nominate judges to the SC, which he has done. But he better get busy and nominate about 100 inferior court judges. OMG. How long will the opposition stall all of his judges?

But we have this notion of the President taking care of the environment, the economy, our health and welfare, and all manner of things that we should be doing ourselves.

We the People should be doing most of those essential things. What is left to do, after that, should be done by our elected local and state representatives, then by our federal elected representatives--in that order. The more that government does those things, the more power it has over us. And the more that the President "does," the more he becomes the king.

Another thing the President can do is use the so-called bully pulpit. Seems that he has been doing a fair amount of that. He certainly has done some bullying of corporations with seeming good effect.

What is it that you think he should be "doing."

Edit: And before anyone tries to say this stupid immigration executive order was him "doing something" it wasn't... it was just another "I'm gonna get rid of something" tactic.

It is important for a "good" President to "get rid" of detrimental stuff that he is in charge of. It is in good faith to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution that he eliminates excessive executive power.

In that vein, executive orders are also some of his limited powers. Unfortunately, the President-as-king monster we have created treats executive orders as expansive imperial powers which can stretch well beyond the limited directives he is authorized to give within the small scope of power enumerated in the Constitution. Trump would do well to limit his use of EO's, keep them within the scope of his actual constitutional powers, not those imagined imperial ones. Certainly, getting rid of past executive orders which overreach is a Presidential duty to the people and to our Constitution. It seems that he is busy doing that.

We haven't seen one new Trump idea come out of this White House yet... and I think that's the way they like it... they get to defend being attacked by the media while they neglect actually doing anything.
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What is it about government continuously "doing new things" that you like. Your not a fan of "government which governs best governs least"? I don't mind if Trump, or Congress for that matter, doesn't keep coming up with new ideas. I mind when they don't properly take care of tried and true old ideas, especially the idea that they are limited in the scope of ideas that they are constitutionally allowed to implement.

I like that Trump seems to want to return a lot of the "idea" thing back to the people instead of leaving it in the unlimited hands of government bureaucrats and regulators. But we probably have an irreconcilable "idea" of what the government is supposed to do, and what the People are supposed to do.
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