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Old 02-27-2017, 08:51 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Ian View Post
I think I'm comfortable accepting that, but that's not the platform he ran on.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
I think his platform, if it is possible to translate Trumpist rhetoric, can be summed up in one of his sentences: "We will make America great again." I think it was clear, as clear as a Trump locution can be, and if you actually heard or saw him speak at his rallies, by "We" he actually did mean the people not the bureaucrats in Washington.

His nomination for the Supreme Court is Constitution centered not judge whim centered so reflects what a good President would do.

His directly speaking to the people through social media reflects that it is the people who he depends on not the bureaucracy.

His direct appeal to business leaders and corporations is acknowledging their role in the economy not reliance on the central bureaucrats and politicians.

His repealing as many of the repressive, bureaucratic executive orders as possible is a transfer of power back from the bureaucracy to the people.

His appointments and decisions generally indicate a direction of having the states more involved in regulation and in matters that really should be governed at state and local levels rather than the federal.

His plans for security from the current Islamic threat, the destruction of ISIS and a slowing of immigration from those areas along with strict vetting certainly is proper "doing" of Constitutional Executive power and duty to defend us.

In general, to me, he sees the role of making the country "healthy wealthy and wise" lies in the hands of the people, not the political ruling class.

Last edited by detbuch; 02-27-2017 at 09:01 PM..
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