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Old 02-28-2017, 01:39 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Unbelievable, isn't it? While we're at it, why can't we have the Treasury print off a million dollars for each one of us? No downside to that, right?

All these people see, is what others have, that they don't have. And it cannot be for some fair, valid reason, it can only mean that someone is screwing them. It cannot be that someone else deserves what they are getting.

If you want what someone else has, do what they did to get it. If you do the same thing and come up short, maybe you have a right to gripe. Until then, stop being envious, and do what it takes. Yes, some people are born into money, others marry into money. But many, many successful people attained success, by making great decisions and working hard.

WDMSO, if your wife wants more money and better perks, she can go to school and become an RN. Then she will have access to all the things that you'd like her to have. There's no trick to it.

Again you live in the fantasy that people can just can go to school and become an RN. or something else ... and not get paid while at school assume they have no bill's and live in moms basement ...its not a one size fit all answer thats the conservative mantra to excuse business from not paying better wages ..

FYI Currently my wife makes more than an entry level RN... but thats not the point

Basically Most private industry see their employee as a liability and a reduction in Profit is unacceptable and pay and benefits adversely effect Profit and shareholders
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