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Old 03-01-2017, 12:53 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Is it any different than when the Rep. don't stand for the Dem President or when they yell out "you lie"?

Stick around and respond.
Here is the difference. When that republican yelled "you lie", he was crucified on every TV station the next day, including Foxnews. But the dems can boo Trump (for having the temerity to want an advocacy group for victims of immigrant crime), and no one says anything.

That double standard, is a big reason why Trump got elected. And if your side fails to address that, they may not come back from exile for a long, long time.

All those giddy female Dems, all dressed in white like it was a college sorority initiation, cracking up while they gave Trump the thumbs down. If that's what your side thinks the people want from their elected representatives, they may be in for a real shellacking in 2018.

If Trump follows through on a few of those promises, and they have the desired effect, the Democrats will be done. We have a guy in the oval office, who admittedly displays way too much a**-holery, but he has no interest whatsoever, in being told that something is a good idea but will take 9 years because of the system.
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