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Old 03-04-2017, 10:06 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
The "bar" wasn't moved, a 2nd one was created when Sessions choose to answer the question the way he did (and if he did it based on a lawyers advice, I can now understand why people here think so little of attorneys).

What's with this "bar" thing? I said the goalpost was moved (a common expression for what you did). I didn't mention any "bar." You move the goalpost then you change the word. Are you lying? You accuse Trump of lying when he misspeaks (or moves the goalposts)!

The 2nd "bar" is whether he lied to congress, not whether someone met with the Russian ambassador. He met with the Ambassador during the time period when the hacking was a front page issue (6 months ago) so it is hilarious to compare his meeting with Schumers or Pelosi from 7 years ago.

Are you saying that a Senator, one on the armed services committee, is not allowed, or must get clearance, to speak to a Russian ambassador because of what is front page news? Or that he is under suspicion if he does--even without any evidence of collusion. You do realize that investigations are supposed to be instigated because of evidence in hand, not in order to find evidence? The evidence is supposed to precede the investigation. Otherwise it is referred to as a witch hunt or fishing expedition.

Trump repeatedly said that no one had anything to do with Russia and he didn't think anyone he deal with did either. That has been shown not to be correct time and again

Obviously Trump could not possibly know that "no one" had anything to do with Russia. And are you saying that it has been shown that Trump "didn't think" anyone he dealt with did either? How can what he thought be shown, other than what he says he thought?

as members of his campaign and others had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence agents in the year prior to the election.

Is this what you're referring to?:

"Several of Trump's associates, like Manafort, have done business in Russia. It is not unusual for U.S. businessmen to come in contact with foreign intelligence officials, sometimes unwittingly, in countries like Russia and Ukraine, where the spy services are deeply embedded in society, according to the Times.
Law enforcement officials did not say to what extent the contacts may have been about business, the Times said.
Officials would not disclose many details, including what was discussed on the calls, which Russian intelligence officials were on the calls, and how many of Trump's advisers were talking to the Russians. It is also unclear whether the conversations had anything to do with Trump himself, the Times said."

That all sounds foggy and inconclusive and doesn't give any evidence of campaign collusion. And doesn't point to anything Trump would necessarily know about. So does that mean you are lying or spreading fake news in that you are pinning something nefarious or illegal on Trump that has not been so pinned by our intelligence agencies?

If Trump didn't make those statements things would be different. - so since Trumps statements have proven to be not true,

Which statements by Trump were untrue? The one stating that no one had anything to do with Russia is so absurd that it cannot even be considered a lie. Either he considers himself clairvoyant or he meant, as usual, something different. Or the one where he didn't think anyone he dealt with did either? Its been shown that he didn't think that?

let him (and Schummer) take lie detector tests to see the truth. Trump even made comments about Hillary's emails before they were release so trying to get to the bottom of the hack makes sense. Others on Trumps national security team even had language removed from the Repub. platform that mentioned giving the Ukraine weapons.

Talk about hilarious! Trump vs Schummer in a duel of truth! Actually, I think if enough questions were asked about various things, I think Trump would win.

It is interesting that before campaign Americans had like a 15% favorable rating of Russia, now it is like 33%. (I wonder what Reagan would think of that).

Correlation is not causation. And, even if it were in this instance, this is a nothing burger.

If someone from the Obama admin. did the things people from the Trump admin. seem to have done, this site would have needed another server.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
"Seem" is the key word. Or made to seem might be more accurate.

Hey, how about the leaking of classified information? You got anything to say about that?

Last edited by detbuch; 03-04-2017 at 11:19 PM..
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