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Old 03-07-2017, 08:52 AM   #50
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Why this massive daily frenzy over something for which there is no evidence? But even if there was some collusion, why not treat it like all the foreign collusions and inner surveillances that have gone on before? When Ted Kennedy asked the Russians in 1983 to help defeat Reagan in the upcoming 1984 election, and that was exposed later, WHILE KENNEDY WAS STILL A SITTING SENATOR, there was no media uproar, no congressional investigation, no tiny slap on the wrist, no call for him to step down . . . nothing. When Obama blatantly interfered with the re-election of Netanyahu--no big deal. No little deal. Not to worry. When Obama surveilled journalists that did stuff he didn't like--just a little blip, then gone. When we all removed Saddam Hussein there was later a big hullabaloo against Bush, but helping to remove Gaddafi and straining to remove Assad, no problem. When FDR's administration was riddled with Soviet agents who helped to turn China over to Mao and all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin, eh, the way the cookie crumbles. FDR's reputation was not tarnished. He is one of the Democrat's icons.

There does seem to be a pattern. When Democrats do it, it seems to be OK. When Repubs do it, or are accused of doing it . . . not so much.
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