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Old 03-08-2017, 12:33 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
She did attack him first, and there is an adult way to respond to that, which is to use her own actions to tear her to shreds, but do it like an adult, like a prosecutor would do.

The earth doesn't shake when he does any of these things. But I'm on his side, and yet these things make me wince. If he responded by saying "she tosses laurels at the feet of child rapists, so I'm not concerned what she thinks of me", THAT would earn my respect. It would also make people think twice before throwing cheap shots at him. I don't want him to take the abuse silently like Bush did, but respond like a smart, mature adult. Sarcasm and humor is fine too, but put some factual truth in there. He just sounds like a little baby brat.

I hope we're on the right track. Have a good night.
Yeah, I wish he was Reaganesque. But he is Trump. And Reagan also didn't have the Dems, the Press, or the establishment Republicans on his side. And if Trump was Reaganesque, he still wouldn't have them on his side.

There is probably a lot more than Trump's personality that arouses the frenzy to take him down. The hysteria is over what many say was a true watershed election, one which could have entrenched a Progressive globalist oriented government and opened the door wide to a more rapid surrender of sovereignty to a socialistic world order. Or which could put a halt to that direction and reestablish the so-called American experiment. And the election did not stop that battle.

That may sound extreme or desperate, but look at what is happening politically in the West. We, in the West, have been quietly herded into that world order, bit by bit, through most of the twentieth century. And the past half century was shaped by Western guilt for what Progressive Liberals claimed was its rape of the rest of the planet. It has reached the point where the Progressive governments of the West encourage and legislate massive emigration into its boundaries of those in the world we oppressed. This was supposed to create world harmony.

But it exacerbated the hatred of the "less advanced" peoples for the richer people of the West. And it validated more and more demands by the third world on the unjustly fat and comfortable West. And our own Progressively educated youth joined this march of social justice not only supporting the elimination of borders but demanding free stuff for everybody.

And we were told that all was well and good, that mass emigration was good. That workers were needed. That any stories of violence were manufactured or overplayed. And that protesting was racist. That resisting was nationalism. Nazism. Which sounded nice and just, and it delayed any significant pushback.

But the native populations in the West began to see the degradation of their cultures, more violence than was admitted, policies that transferred what they thought was their birthright to others who did not create the wealth and freedom of the West. And were awakened to the realization that demographics pointed to their becoming a minority in their own countries.

Trump's election is part of an anti-progressive globalism which was deconstructing Western societies and reshaping them from diverse family oriented people with distinct regional cultures who all had finally shed the shackles of monarchic or dictatorial ruling classes and tasted the fruits of individual freedoms and rule of law. And shaping them into what appeared to be, once again, cultureless collectives dependent on and ruled by overlords. This time not by ruthless tyrants, but by intellectuals who claimed to know how everyone should live. And that way was not what they loved and cherished. A way not connected to ancestors and family lineage, not to their beliefs, their religions, their cultural identities. A way that would eliminate all of that. And would, at the same time, relinquish what they had to what promised to be a veritable invasion of foreigners, many of whose ancestors fought their own in the past.

We have not been told how many Europeans support Trump. Cheered for his victory. And are becoming more "conservative" wishing to preserve their cultures. All of Eastern and Central Europe is becoming nationalistic and pushing back against immigration. Britain opted out of the EU in order to retain its sovereignty. France, with the greatest number of immigrants, may well elect a right winger. Germans as well as Italians, Danes, Swedes, etc. are protesting against what has been happening to their countries.

Trump is part of that revolution. If you actually listen to the tenor of the voices in Europe which are against the destruction of their cultures, you will hear voices that make Trump sound like Santa Claus. A sometimes crude Santa. And wishing that he wouldn't say things to make us wince is just pissing up a rope. Trying to be what he isn't would not be convincing.

Right now, he is fighting a war against which he cannot win if his base abandons him. And his opposition would not be any nicer to him nor less fervent to get rid of him if he was "presidential." How much he is being used by the establishment Republicans may be seen with what legislation they pass. The health care bill they've concocted does not bode well if it is as described by the more conservative Repubs. This may all just slide back into the same old Republicans as Democrat lite. And Progressivism may return stronger than ever. And Trump may help that along. If he survives. We shall see.

Have a good night.

Last edited by detbuch; 03-08-2017 at 01:32 AM..
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