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Old 03-08-2017, 07:09 AM   #63
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Right now, he is fighting a war against which he cannot win if his base abandons him. And his opposition would not be any nicer to him nor less fervent to get rid of him if he was "presidential." How much he is being used by the establishment Republicans may be seen with what legislation they pass. The health care bill they've concocted does not bode well if it is as described by the more conservative Repubs. This may all just slide back into the same old Republicans as Democrat lite. And Progressivism may return stronger than ever. And Trump may help that along. If he survives. We shall see.

Have a good night.
If he would stick to facts and common sense, which he has on his side, he cannot lose. Instead of him tweeting that his enemies suck, he should tweet why they are so very very wrong. The people that elected him are open to that. And it would make his enemies think twice before acting the way they do. Just my opinion.

He is in a position to halt the moral and economic decline. But he needs to act like an adult. He can still be Trump, I'm not asking him to become George Will. If your goal is to destroy the people who are attacking you, then especially when you have facts and common sense on your side, you can respond more effectively by presenting your case, than by giving them the middle finger. Giving them the middle finger, emboldens his opponents. That's what liberals want, they desperately want to trade insults. The last the thing they want to do, is to talk policy, because their policies are asinine. Expose that to the light of day.
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