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Old 03-08-2017, 01:08 PM   #78
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
So what happens if he gets impeached and removed from office? If he has sold his interests outright, does he get them back. Maybe he should just collect his pension, if he gets one. He did say that he is not going to collect a salary as President. Is that the case, I wonder?

Did the Founders of this nation give up all their stuff when they got elected to office? No. The bulk of their income actually came from their private interests and assets. That did not corrupt their ability to govern. And they defended and protected the Constitution far better than our "divested" politicians of today.

I think that business of divesting themselves is overplayed. It would certainly be exposed by our attentive media if a Republican President was using his office for financial gain. Maybe not so much if a Democrat one did. Whatever the China thing is, it cuts both ways. Although, with China to date, it seems to have been a one way street.
"The way his children turned out and how they support him kind of tell me that there is something about Trump that we are missing when we sum him up to be this temper tantrum deranged teenager who will destroy our world"

Of course. He's not the cartoon villain that the media is making him out to be. if you google "Trump generous charity" you will get all kinds of examples of his being very generous to those in need. At times, I think he has a very soft heart. But only one TV station will ever, ever bring that up.

"So what happens if he gets impeached and removed from office? If he has sold his interests outright, does he get them back. "

But owning a huge international business concern, can portray the appearance of a conflict of interest. I wonder what Romney's plans were if he won.
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