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Old 03-08-2017, 05:34 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
love the verbal gymnastics defending Trump..

What do you mean by "verbal gymnastics"? And can you cite some of the ones you're referring to?

Wheres the evidence they demand against him

Exactly, where's the evidence that Sessions, or Trump, or Trump's team colluded with the Russians to help Trump win?

But these same people do not demand any evidence From Him with his Accusations ..

All kinds of folks are demanding evidence from Trump (I assume that's who you are referring to) to back up his claim. Are you demanding it? I, personally don't demand any evidence, either from those who accuse Trump of collusion, or from Trump to back up his statement. I haven't heard of any evidence either way. Actually, Mark Levin has laid out a media trail of reportage that indicates that there was surveillance of Trump Towers, but I don't know if that is evidence.

I do observe, however, that there is a frenzied attempt to connect Trump with Russian collusion. That there is no evidence of it makes me wonder why there is such a desire to portray that he did collude. If anything, Trump's countercharge slowed down the drumbeats against him. That may pick up again. Especially if some actual evidence is found.

But even if there were evidence found, how would that be worse than what Dems have done in the past? Oh well . . . I apologize for not demanding evidence.

then go on with with utopian statements

" finally shed the shackles of monarchic or dicatorial ruling classes tasted the fruits of individual freedoms and rule of law....

What's utopian about that statement? Is there something in the statement referring to a perfect or idealistic state? Is there even an untruth or a lie in the statement?

If you thinks thats Trumps plan ... thats amazing
"Trump's election is part of an anti-progressive globalism which was deconstructing Western societies and reshaping them from diverse family oriented people with distinct regional cultures who all had finally shed the shackles of monarchic or dictatorial ruling classes and tasted the fruits of individual freedoms and rule of law. And shaping them into what appeared to be, once again, cultureless collectives dependent on and ruled by overlords."

Is their anything about Trump's plan in that statement? Are you denying there is an anti-Progressive movement occurring in Western countries?

Do you know what Trump's plan is?
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