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Old 03-09-2017, 05:53 AM   #22
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No who what where when(dates) or why they are under investigation

The officials who spoke Monday morning didn’t detail the current immigration status of those 300 people who were subjects of government terror probes

again its only true if you think it is.. another example of hearsay reporting and the right use to justify their actions ...

John Kelly said the travel ban announced Monday was a key to ansuring the refugee program is conducted safely.

Sure it is.. what was kelly doing between the 1st order and this order
??? waiting for the 2nd order sitting on their hands

but Trump again lies but nothing to see .....

President Trump incorrectly claimed Tuesday that 122 Guantanamo Bay detainees who were released under the Obama administration have returned to the battlefield. 122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield.

However, the overwhelming majority of those 121 men, 113 of them, were transferred under President George W. Bush, 8 for President Barack Obama.

but hea fact get in the way again

I would be more afraid of this then refugees: Keeping America safe ???

Funny no photo op for this one ... lets slip this one in

President Donald Trump Tuesday signed a measure nixing a regulation aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of some severely mentally ill people.

two main criteria: a) They were receiving full disability benefits because of a mental illness and couldn't work and b) they were unable to manage their own benefits, thus needing the help of a third party to do so.

Thank you NRA
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