Thread: Credibility
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Old 03-14-2017, 09:10 AM   #30
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Really Seems you hate the GOP plan with no mention of Tump promises but had let us know Obama failed ... thats thinking for your self all right

"We're gonna come up with a new plan that's going to be better health care for more people at a lesser cost," Trump
"Trump all the credit for Nothing "

Everything you said there is wrong. I didn't give Trump all the credit, I give him some, because he played a role. "For nothing" - they saved hundreds of jobs for working, blue collar Americans. To you, that's nothing, because you didn't vote for Trump. You are incapable of intellectual honesty.

"No credit for trying "

Obama spent almost a trillion dollars (which we had to borrow, naturally) on a stimulus plan that was a flop. Sure he tried. But he failed miserably, and that failure will cost us huge amounts of $$. But that doesn't bother you, because he has a (d) after his name. But every failure of Trump's, is something that bothers you to no end. We get it, we get it.

Trump hasn't gone back on hos healthcare promises yet, because that proposed bill is nowhere near becoming law. Let's see what it looks like when they are ready to pass it. If at that point it falls short of what he promised, I will be the first one to call him on that. Fair enough?
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