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Old 03-14-2017, 10:22 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
that was detbuch quote not mine

why are the media and the Dems making such a frenzied fuss over something for which there is no evidence? Can you answer that? Doubt that you will. As for Trump's fuss over something for which there is no evidence, I am sure you will incessantly have something to say about that

and now we have the same old same old now they are again telling us what Trump ment ..

Sean Spicer said Mr Trump had broadly meant "surveillance and other activities" when he made the allegation in a tweet earlier this month.

That's an answer to a question. Something you mostly avoid doing. Your choice if you don't want to believe it. His answer sounds reasonable to me.

He also suggested the president was not accusing his predecessor specifically.

It was clarified right after he said Obama did it, not only by Trumps staff, but by various media outlets that when the President's name is attached to an action, it most often means his administration, not specifically or only Obama.

I understand it must get getting old to have to defend or excuse trumps comments day in and day out ... heres an Idea maybe he can stop lying every time he opens his mouth or shoots off a Tweet
Not as tiring as having to answer stuff that is politically motivated to make Trump look bad. Even stuff like calling everything he says is a lie . . . that he's a racist . . . a homophobe . . . an anti-Semite . . . blah, blah, blah.

And it gets tiresome to give detailed answers to your questions or posts which refute, point by point, all of your statements, but from which you pick only one point, if any, to respond to--as you did again here.

Last edited by detbuch; 03-14-2017 at 11:52 AM..
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