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Old 03-17-2017, 09:20 AM   #89
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Hi is acting like a cartoon villain. He still wasn't realized that everything he says is going to be scrutinized. I guess bc his supports don't care.

I thought it was funny he mentioned McCarthy in his tweet where he accused someone of something w/o any evidence.
"He liked leaks until it happened to him"

It wasn't the US Government that leaked emails from the DNC. Here's a question that no one is asking about the Russians hacking the DNC. Were any of those leaked emails doctored? Was any of it untrue? If revealing things that the DNC did, hurt their campaign, isn't it fair to ask why they were engaging in those activities in the first place? Yes, the hacking was wrong and should be investigated. But if the Democrats weren't playing dirty, there would have been nothing to hack and nothing to leak.

" heard some people think it was related to a law suit where Trump sued "

I also heard Trump is an anti-Semite. Funny given that hos daughter Ivanka, who he clearly adores, is a Jew. So I'm not overly impressed with what you "hear" about him from the media. They have shed all credibility in their coverage of this guy.

"I believe Trump had to provide a tax form in the suit"

It's still illegal for anyone to share that without his permission.

How come all these people going bonkers over his taxes, couldn't care less that Obama didn't release his academic records from college, as most presidents have done? Not any concern at all about that. Have you "heard" anything about why that is.

"He is acting like a cartoon villain"

He is acting like a horse's ass. Very different from a villain. You watch MSNBC from 8:00 - 11:00 any night, and they will devote at least one-third of their air time dedicated to connecting him with the Russians. There is no evidence. There's no more evidence connecting him to the Russian hack of the DNC, than there is that Obama tapped Trump tower. Yet everyone is blasting Trump for accusing Obama for tapping him without evidence, bit no one is blasting the media for saying he is a KGB plant without evidence.

No double standard there. Nope.

Here is a crazy idea, Paul. How about we hold politicians to task when they are wrong, and we praise them when they do good. And we do that similarly, to people of both sides. Do you have any appreciation for how far away we are, from that? That only thing that comes close to that is on Foxnews, excluding Sean Hannity, who is a Trump puppet.

I watched Lawrence O'Donnell interview Shirley McLane last night, the two of them talking about how Trump is the second coming of Hitler. It was like taking a trip deep into the Twilight Zone.
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