Thread: Health care
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Old 03-27-2017, 04:01 PM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
The only sustainable health insurance is a free market one.

You mean the same ones that brought on the ACA

and the insurers who love it when at 65 you go on medicare

And Due to their profit driven model of Health care they Pricing people right out the market ,

ask yourself what was the price of healthcare in the 1980's and the cost today as well as college is now a for profit model and they claim to be non profit

real medical costs grew by a stunning 241%.
the growth of college tuition and fees, up 596% since 1980.

Healthcare should be a right not a choice
"and the insurers who love it when at 65 you go on medicare "

The insurers aren't pushing people to Medicare at 65. It's that in this country, people buy insurance through work, and many people stop working at that age.

"And Due to their profit driven model of Health care they Pricing people right out the market "

Not remotely true, health insurers do not gouge in pricing. They can't, because it's a very, very highly regulated market. Insurer prices must always be approved by the state government. If you look at profit margins of different businesses in the US, health insurance margins are around 6%, which is below the average. You can google that. If a health insurance company starts making fat profits (as a % of revenue), the states force them to lower their rates.

"ask yourself what was the price of healthcare in the 1980's and the cost today "

Are you talking about the price of healthcare services, or the price of healthcare insurance? Two different things, but related of course. Health insurance is very expensive because the thing being insured (healthcare) is expensive. So if we want to lower the costs of health insurance, we need to find a way to lower the cost of the thing being insured - healthcare. As the price of healthcare goes up, so must the price of health insurance.

"the growth of college tuition and fees, up 596% since 1980. "

And let me guess, you blame Republicans for that.
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