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Old 03-29-2017, 04:28 AM   #16
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US internet privacy law scrapped

More roll backs and typical Republican Ideas less regulation will help create jobs.. why do you think companies went to China or Mexico low cost wages and NO REGULATIONS the lack of of REGULATIONS only lined the pockets of the owners and share holders
not the workers or the environment ... Companies have a History in America.. where the worker and the company had a symbiotic relationship .. and history has also shown us How big business changed that and why they cant be trusted to do whats right they must be forced by government by laws and regulations ...

But i get it some think if there were no catch limits (regulation ) Cod would be abundant striped bass would still be around and herring so keep banging the free market or should i say free for all market ... and see whats in store for the future generations when profits are sought above sustainability and stability in the Market

The repeal was strongly backed by major providers such as Verizon, AT&T and Comcast, who argued that ISPs were being subject to stricter privacy laws than companies like Google or Facebook. SHOCKING

Coal other financial services worker rights rolled back

Whos looking out for the Avg American Trump?? think again
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