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Old 04-05-2017, 10:26 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Seems like the vast majority of the great universities are liberal. Good thing there are government schools of higher educ. or the cons. would be stuck w/liberty. I guess when you deny science you end up with crappy schools.

I never used to hear people refer to "your side" or "my side" until you started posting.

Man, do you have a lot of hate. It is constant.
"Seems like the vast majority of the great universities are liberal. "

Oh, I agree. But what I asked, and you dodged, was this - how does the pure liberalism, add to the greatness? Answer - it doesn't. Those schools are great because of the potential intelligence of the student body. That potential is not fully realized, when kids are indoctrinated to liberalism, and are taught that every single person who disagrees, is one of Hilary's deplorables.

The result is thoughtless liberal parrots who are unable to defend their ideas to any challenge, so they resort to rioting to shut down the challenger.

"I guess when you deny science you end up with crappy schools. "

So the side which says that a human embryo isn't distinguishable from a mole to be removed, gets to accuse me of denying science. If the global warming alarmists are correct on the science, how come NONE of their dire predictions have come true? I mean, to hear Al Gore tell it, you'd think North Dakota would be exporting pineapples and sugar cane by now.

"you end up with crappy schools"

Yeah, West Point doesn't turn out high quality kids, nope.

"Man, do you have a lot of hate"

You are the one, who in a few sentences, said that people who aren't liberals (1) deny science, and (2) are incapable of producing universities that aren't crappy. But I am the hatemonger. Got it.

I never used to hear people refer to "your side" or "my side" until you started posting."

Oh, I invented the concept of liberals and conservatives? Good lord...

Paul, how come at your elite liberal schools, the liberal students routinely riot to prevent conservatives from speaking, but the conservative students don't riot to prevent liberals from speaking?

YOU HAVE FUN WITH THAT. I look forward to your answer.

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