Thread: MOAB
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Old 04-16-2017, 10:55 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
*WHO* will be shooting back?

I sometimes disagree with WDMSO but he wore the fancy suit and went over and did his duty, so agreeing on particular subjects or not, he has beyond earned his right to speak them

So help out here - are you saying that Trump is bad because he is not micromanaging the war (like Obama & Johnson did) and delegating those decisions to the generals and theater commanders? Or that he created the atmosphere that allows commanders to take more risk?

What i am saying is this general say's it was tactical not political ... but giving him the green light was political and strategic for the white house home and abroad .. the military doesn't set policy they carry it out .. and keeping a tight leash on your generals is not micromanaging nor is giving them a blank check a responsible choice.. Trumps Commanders intent is clear.. I feel he see's delegating authority removes him from responsibility and his administration has no plan for the next move .

As for MOAB, yes that is a proper munition for caves and tunnels, no? yes. however if you look at the target as one target one attack with no bigger plan...I questions its use .. The daisy cutter was used several times in similar situations before it was retired and replaced with this one.
I just dont agree with fox and friends dropping big bombs is not what freedom looks like
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