Thread: NORKS
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Old 04-25-2017, 07:29 AM   #6
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Whats to say his nukes are offensive that seems to be the argument for attacking him 1st I see the same dynamic with Iran .

I know some people dont like to hear this but our influence and actions over the decades towards many of theses countries have directly contributed to theses countries seeking nukes as a deterrent for what they see the USA and many western countries as interventionist. even China is expanding into the sea of china based on this

North Korea conventional forces are a bigger threat then their nuke program is now

But right now neither Trump or Kim looks like either one is going to back down. but Kim has the Advantage he can provoke with out attacking just test launch some missiles get Trump to respond with a armed strike like in Syria and he wins in the short term and a lot of people perish .. and the US wont come out this with just a bloody nose But this administration has limited choices seeing they dont like Diplomatic solutions. and neither does their base
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