Thread: NORKS
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Old 04-25-2017, 09:47 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
Here's an idea. Stop provoking them and just leave them alone.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
You'd just leave him alone to starve to death, millions of his citizens? Man...Read one of the few books out there, about what it's like there.

In North Korea, if they catch you trying to get on the Internet, they put three generations of your family in concentration camps. They routinely kidnap citizens from nearby countries to train their spies in the customs of those countries (imagine the horror in that, for a second, if someone you cared about was kidnapped in that way).

You hear the phrase "worse than Hitler" a lot, usually in reference to George Bush 43. This guy may actually be worse. Possibly not in scale, but in terms of the magnitude of his evil. At least Hitler wanted all Ayrians to thrive, fatty in North Korea wants to starve everyone. It's time for him to get what's coming to him, though I can't even conceive of what would be a fair punishment, maybe getting eaten alive by hogs.

No easy options. Putting a bullet in his head might not be a bad place to start. Unlike Syria, there's nothing to indicate (that I know of) that something far worse could take his place.

Have to get China on board, that's where all of North Korea's money comes from, selling their mineral resources to China.

Time to get rid of the UN, it serves no purpose. They can't do anything to contain this guy, and now they put SAUDI ARABIA on the women's rights committee. Not an exaggeration.

No easy options. Not with all the citizens of Seoul nearby, possibly so close that even that incompetent fat pervert could lob a missile that far before it inevitably drops from the sky.

Say what you want about Trump. He's not a huge fan of kicking the can down the road like the previous few administrations, who collectively did very, very little to help the poor souls stuck there.

Only ugly choices. Putting our heads in the sand and hoping for the best, will likely not work much longer.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 04-25-2017 at 09:58 AM..
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