Thread: NORKS
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Old 04-26-2017, 03:13 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
NK is what it is, a Stalinist, authoritarian state, that oppresses its people and seriously threatens its neighbors. It seems like you are making excuses for them / blaming the US.

This is what you are looking for:

It was, and aligns pretty well with conventional thinking. Norks do not likely have the necessary and functional kit to defeat the south but they will kill/wound casualty levels not seen since disasters / wars (Darfur, etc) .
Far from it.. just making the point we have had an active roll and the US bear some responsibility.. Just like Iran that didn't happen in a vacuum.. our finger prints are all over that as well..

John are you suggesting the US is an innocent participant since 1956 the story didn't just start in 1985 as the link suggest I am just taking the long View

I can't find anything that suggest their Nuke program is offensive (not to say thats not the direction they wish to go but so far that dosnt seem to be the case )

A bomb is useless to North Korea — as an offensive weapon or as a deterrent — unless the country can make a convincing case that it has a reliable delivery system.

and they haven't done that as of yet

not sure what the correct answer is

But I see Trump statements and Kims statements.. like running down hill its easy at 1st until momentum kicks in and thats when bad things start to happen
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