Thread: this is great
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Old 05-31-2017, 04:36 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Let's be clear about my point so there's zero misunderstanding then. If you want to call me a racist, be a man and say it, don't dance around it like a coward.

My point was this...blacks are far more likely to be poor, than whites. Saying that doesn't make me a racist. The numbers make that clear with zero ambiguity. The numbers are not racist, they just are what they are.

An ignorant racist might say there's a genetic reason for that. Nonsense. But there is a cultural reason for that, starting with the fact that almost 75% of black children born today, are born into a home without a dad. That is staggering and appalling, and until we fix that, blacks will continue to live in poverty at a heartbreaking rate. When you give girls a financial incentive to have kids out of wedlock, guess what? More of them will have kids out of wedlock.

In my opinion, liberalism also contributes significantly to this. Because instead of giving blacks the tools they need to actually rise out of poverty in big numbers (which is precisely what conservatives would love to do), liberals pat them on the head and say "there there, it's not your fault, here's your welfare check, and keep voting for me so the big mean republican doesn't take this check away from you". Liberals give blacks just enough to stay alive (and dependent, and therefore a reliable voting block), not nearly enough to get ahead. Liberals don't want blacks to get ahead, because if they did, many of them would no longer feel the need to vote for Democrats.

I remember what Hartford and New Haven and Bridgeport looked like 40 years ago. And I see EXACTLY what 40 years of pure, unchecked liberalism has done for those people. I say it's a disgrace and they deserve a different outcome. Liberals advocate for more of the same.

I'd say that makes liberals the racists, because I want a better outcome for all of them. But according to the media, somehow, that makes me the racist.

That makes all kinds of sense.

Where am I wrong, WDMSO? You may answer freely and openly, I am a big boy and can take it.

When the current form of welfare reform came about, a man in Washington, the late great Daniel Patrick Moynihan (a very liberal Democrat, who later was a senator from NY) warned that the welfare changes would annihilate the black nuclear family, which would lead to a cultural disaster in the black community. It was a bold thing to say. Moynihan was vilified by the left for saying what he said. He was called a racist and a bigot. And yet history shows that he was exactly, EXACTLY correct.

We're committing cultural genocide against them. It makes me sick. I don't see how my concern for their welfare makes me a racist.
So let see I post numbers and whites are listed before black and people take exception .. and questioning the Order ? then you post

"We can sort based on the % of each ethnicity on welfare, relative to each race's makeup of the general population. He won't like that sort one bit."

"Let's be clear about my point so there's zero misunderstanding then. If you want to call me a racist, be a man and say it, don't dance around it like a coward.

My point was this...blacks are far more likely to be poor, than whites. Saying that doesn't make me a racist."

So Why would I not Like that bit of info ?? But I'll be clear Was I to infer you're meaning was what you wrote in your follow up response? I made the statement "but thats not really what he point was ..." . but if you say your only point was "blacks are far more likely to be poor, than whites" we'll leave it at that
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