Thread: this is great
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Old 05-31-2017, 04:51 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
True. Parse stuff down to facts and remove the happy snowflake talk and try to get people to work together. Then stop turning a blind eye to importing the competition of those lower paying, lower skilled "workers" and increasing the pressure at the bottom. We should offer assistance to those that need it but it should be assistance on top of earned, not in place of (with limited exceptions). We can then tune and allow for more legal immigration.

Sometimes they are. The Diversity Industry at large
John Blind eye?? you say this as if importing the competition hasn't been going on for 100 years .. it has zero impact on Jobs losses in America .. or whos on welfare it comes down do wage per hour and expect people to work 80hrs a week at 8-15 dollars an hour, pay rent buy food is unrealistic, while corporate America fleeces America and its worker ...

Most US manufacturing jobs lost to technology, not trade
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