Thread: Islam
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Old 06-06-2017, 07:10 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
white guy kills 2 on Train another white guy shoots five ex-colleagues in head

and the is in the country you live in,,, but we care more about when the word islamic is attached . if not oh well nothing to see... worried about those around you those in England Most are home grown English born

"And I don't see these people making a concerted effort to adopt to the culture of their new host countries. "

And I dont see people making a concerted effort to see them as equal in their host countries ... thats true here and a lot of other places doesn't justify their actions at all but lets no look at the issue thru a key hole like so many try to do you can read question asked and see the answers its a bit more in depth then jus t2/3rds Of British Muslims Wouldn’t Tell Government About A Terror Plot
WDMSO, what large, global movement was the nut on the train, a part of?

"we care more about when the word islamic is attached"

Wrong. I don't care more about one victim than the other. But I see a difference between things that we can easily stop (who comes to our country and who doesn't), and things that are much harder to control (what some individual lunatic does in a country of 300 million people).

In other words, there is no logical way I know of, to prevent individual lunatics from harming others. But there absolutely are things we can do, to reduce our exposure to jihadists. It's a question of whether or not we are willing to do it. But it can be done if we chose to do so.

"And I dont see people making a concerted effort to see them as equal in their host countries "

Please support that. Why are Muslims so desperate to flee to the West, if they are treated so shabbily there?

That husband and wife who went on an office killing spree a few years ago (California?), had just been given a baby shower at the husband's company. The jihadists don't kill us because we are mean to them. They kill us because aren't exactly like them, we don't force our women to dress like ninjas and mutilate their genitals. You really don't see that?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 06-06-2017 at 09:01 AM..
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