Thread: Islam
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Old 06-07-2017, 07:36 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
We have a vetting process not sure what your better vetting involves other than Ban .... and what about US citizens and law abiding immigrants that we have allowed to come here. who are getting lump into America Islamic fear not for anything they have done but by the fear of what they may do just because they are Muslim.. we did this with Japanese Americans what makes you think it cant happen again

We have a POTUS who leads the fear parade to play to his base
so he goes after Londons Mayor (after the attack ) and Londoners are not very happy

Trump mocked Khan's comment on Sunday, suggesting in a tweet that the mayor was downplaying the attacks.

Trump's comments drew widespread scorn in Britain but the U.S. leader went on the attack again on Monday, saying in a tweet: "Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his 'no reason to be alarmed' statement. MSM is working hard to sell it!" Trump wrote. MSM referred to mainstream media.
So you are saying that if we ban immigration from places where we can't vet, that it's inevitable that would lead to rounding up US citizens and sending them to concentration camps.

WDMSO, yes, that happened before. That doesn't mean that we can't stop it from happening again. Believe it or not, it is possible to take some extra steps to increase security, without abandoning the Constitution completely. We aren't one small step away from being a police state, that's a long way from where we are.

"We have a POTUS who leads the fear parade"

Some call it an appropriate reaction to the jihad declared. By your own admission, you have zero concern about ISIS, so naturally you feel that "any" concern, is too much.

"Trump mocked Khan's comment on Sunday, suggesting in a tweet that the mayor was downplaying the attacks"

That mayor is a lunatic. Right after the attack, he tells citizens that there's nothing to be concerned about? "See all those mutilated bodies? All those dead kids from the concert last week? Nothing to be concerned about!"
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