Thread: Comey
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Old 06-11-2017, 07:48 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Trump might have not directly told Comey to drop the investigation, but when someone in that high a position of power says "I hope", it's implied that it's what I want to happen. Power corrupts absolutely and Trump is used to getting what he wants and this new reality isn't probably good for his getting a restful 8 hours of sleep.

Just a minor thing--power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. In either case, mostly the former, that's why most politicians are corrupt. Trump is probably less corrupt than many of the politicians that have graced our political offices. I am speaking about politics here. His personal life outside of politics doesn't interest me.

His biggest problem IMHO is that he has surrounded himself with people that don't know the ropes and what flies in the private sector isn't going to work in the white house. It would have been interesting to rewind the tape and see where we might be had he done just that. Yes I know he doesn't trust anyone but his inner circle of close friends and family; but they don't know crap about the workings of Washington DC.

You have just described the bane of American politics--"what flies in the private sector isn't going to work in the white house." It should work. But, from the very foundation of our political system (the destruction of the Constitution) to every office, cabinet, and agency of every level of government, corruption of some sort is more influential than the prescribed rules of operation and conduct.

Government can prosecute private malfeasance. But it is not as adept at prosecuting it's own. Unless, of course, it attempts to bring down the opposition party, even if the charges are bogus which would be further demonstration of how corrupted our governmental process has become.

Calvin Coolidge was that peculiar exception of very modest to no corruption who ran the White House like a business, to the chagrin of many. And he was very successful in actually reducing the national debt and lifting us into an age of economic prosperity.

Continuing the "workings of Washington D.C." will continue the same crap that has led us into unsustainable debt and the degradation of the document that guarantees our individual freedoms.

Bitches about talks Clinton had on the tarmac and yet he can ask everyone to leave the room except the director of the FBI and that isn't worse to the nth degree? So ironic to watch all this unfold.
The difference is that Bill Clinton did not have the legal authority to ask or demand anything from the attorney general. Donald Trump, as President, does have constitutional authority to do so. Consider this article:

Last edited by detbuch; 06-11-2017 at 08:45 PM..
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