Thread: Comey
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Old 06-12-2017, 04:34 AM   #44
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and Bill Clinton, we were told, could be a complete dirt bag/reprobate in his personal/private life(and occasionally in the oval office)...yet simultaneously be a fabulous president...the two were in no way related...Obama could have all kinds of dubious acquaintances and predilections which.... actually made him more qualified for the office as they showed his "open mindedness". Kerry and Gore had HRC had flaws that we were told were either irrelevant or in some perverted way qualifiers for the office they sought

I've not enjoyed the mainstream news, NPR and on as much as I do currently....non-stop mindless cackling by self-important preeners who are offended by the fact that no one seems to be listening to them.....when you speak day in and day out using the same catch phrases filled with indignation bordering on lunacy complaining about things you've overlooked or condoned and defended not so many years ago, you tend to undermine you own credibility regardless of the seriousness of your message....

for Trumps supporters, every "attack" hardens their resolution...for the folks that find themselves on the same side of the aisle grudgingly affiliated it's just more shoulder shrugging...."Trump might be bad but you people are insane"

it's early...the fun is only beginning

“The press is focusing on personality, not substance,” he(Patterson) said recently on public radio’s “On the Media” program. And that reflects “not a partisan bias but a journalistic bias,” the tendency to seek out conflict."

"Thus, home pages of news organizations or hour upon hour of cable news are relentlessly focused on the president — not always because of solid newsworthiness."

We’ve(journalists) got plenty of things to improve on. Giving Trump gratuitous strokes is not one of them."

I don't believe Trump has ever asked for a "gratuitous stroke"..though Bill Clinton no doubt regularly requested them... and Obama was tongue bathed in them like no other president in our history....

Last edited by scottw; 06-12-2017 at 06:07 AM..
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