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Old 07-01-2017, 03:52 PM   #2
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Conservatives don’t oppose single payer because we are heartless. This fight isn’t mainly about tax rates, or deficits, though single payer is catastrophic for both. It’s about having not the cheapest health care, but the best. So that when you need a hospital bed, the market makes sure you don’t have to wait until it’s too late. So that when you have a rare disease, there is hope that the market found it worthwhile to develop a treatment. That might mean that when you have medical issues, money is a worry. You get scary bills. But you have hope. If the treatment is available, but the money is not, that can be fixed. If the health care is free, but the government doesn’t permit you to receive it…well, that’s a cruelty we don’t want to see replicated in the United States.

No conservatives don’t oppose single payer because we are heartless.

they oppose it because there is no money to be made no pay no treatment ... love the fear of the government angle... right to the base with that one
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