Thread: G20 Summit
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Old 07-10-2017, 08:44 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Really Trump wants to form a joint cyber terrorist task force with Putin? Talk about inviting the fox into the hen house. All the focus on Trump and Putin takes away from the real issues. Putin of course is eating it up like candy, his nations economy isn't strong, doubt they are even in the top ten, so this type of attention and the US forced to deal with his crap plays right into his hands.
Yes - that was particularly dumb - joint cyber task force. Beyond stupid on the surface. What would happen is each would send their best people to gather info and their people least likely to share anything valuable.

In all fairness, some "joint" centers for yadayaydayada are beneficial .

Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
The real issue IMHO is the US stepping back from leading and adopting a policy of isolation; the west against the east rhetoric is a dangerous path. Dig out your knight armor boys, Trump is going on a crusade. I get that we need strong borders. I get that most of these nut jobs are coming from Muslim countries, but the dangerous crap coming out of his mouth at times just blows my mind. I've said it before the radicals need only cut and past from Trumps speeches and tweets to get all the recruiting advertising they want.
The real issue is the US is stepping back? Leading from behind? Abdicating a leadership role in the world?

And I suppose this started in January 2017?

Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
I'd be more concerned about North Korea than Russian any day of the week. That situation is going to get out of hand.
NORKs really suck but they do know that if they nuke us they die.

Russia is the existential threat and has been since the 1960s. Gee - looks like Romney was right and Obama wrong. Had a few more people voted for him we might not be in these problems today and we wouldn't have Trump. Wonder if any media reflect on that.

Russia might not have much to lose. They aren't a top 10 economy. They have a GDP per capita 1/7 of ours. China with a billion poor has almost as much GDP per capita. Russia has the economic might of Mexico but with 10,000 nukes.

They have a declining population, dying younger every year, rampant drugs, alcohol, and disease.

Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Putin is clobbering the **** out of ISIS in Syria. It's a complicated part of the world. Putin hates jihadists...not for the right reasons, perhaps, but he hates them.
Errr, Putin is clobbering the crap out of Anti-Asad fighters and calling them "ISIS" but he is not focusing on ISIS as we are.

Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"the radicals need only cut and past from Trumps speeches and tweets to get all the recruiting advertising they want."
Jim - this only happens when Republican governments do it. After bush, for 8 years, there was no recruitment. BOOM in January it started again.

Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
They recruited plenty when Obama was POTUS. You can't construct national security policy around the goal of being so nice to terrorists, that they need to create their own propaganda for recruiting. Obama killed plenty of terrorists, with plenty of collateral damage, with drone strikes. You don't think they used that for recruiting?
Just didn't get reported so it didn't happen.

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