Thread: G20 Summit
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Old 07-10-2017, 09:02 AM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post

Errr, Putin is clobbering the crap out of Anti-Asad fighters and calling them "ISIS" but he is not focusing on ISIS as we are.

Jim - this only happens when Republican governments do it. After bush, for 8 years, there was no recruitment. BOOM in January it started again.

Just didn't get reported so it didn't happen.
Correct, John, he is killing ISIS fighters to help his pal Assad, not because it's the right thing to do. You are 100% correct. But I think some of the people Putin is fighting, really are ISIS, no? Some of them are non-terrorists who want to get rid of Assad, but some are genuinely ISIS I thought?

"Jim - this only happens when Republican governments do it. After bush, for 8 years, there was no recruitment. BOOM in January it started again"

It really is amazing that anyone could say that with a straight face. The POTUS is supposed to be cordial to terrorists, so that they can't use his speeches as recruiting tools.

Here's all the recruitment that they will ever need...we let our women go to school, we don't force them to dress like ninjas, we don't mutilate their genitals. That's all they need.

Obama claimed that his softer tone would make them hate us less. Jimmy Carter though the same exact thing with his pacifism. They were both wrong.
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