Thread: G20 Summit
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Old 07-11-2017, 08:45 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Does anyone really think Trumps West vs East rhetoric is directed solely at terrorists? It's us against them and by them I suspect any country, religion or ideology that doesn't match trumps is probably what he truly believes. Some of his speeches, like his opening one, clearly are written for him and don't really reflect how that man really thinks. How he really thinks is what is scary and you can see it in the question answer sessions or God help us, the endless can't sleep so I'll tweet sessions.

Do these radical nut jobs need recruiting videos supplied by Trump, certainly not, but when he shrinks his "circle of trust" to use a line from a Fockers movie and alienates half the globe that doesn't meet his criteria, I think we are going in the wrong direction. We need allies in these countries to assist us in the war on terrorism. I just think he is poorly choosing his words, the message he wants to send and doesn't see the forest through the trees lining the global stage we are supposed to be leading.

It appears that the only country really happy with Trump is Russia, doesn't that bother people? Seems like a lot of the major leaders (our allies) are not to happy with him or the back peddling he seems to be doing on climate accords, NATO, trade agreements and probably more that I'm not even aware of.

Russia isn't the issue or threat they used to be, but inviting him in to be our buddy is dangerous to say the least. We probably let more Russian spies and intelligence agents into this country than potential terrorists.
I don't like Trump, I like him even less than I thought I was going to.

"Some of his speeches, like his opening one, clearly are written for him "

All of his speeches are written for him. Just like all of Obama's speeches were written for Obama.

"alienates half the globe that doesn't meet his criteria"

Yes he does. He's not a guy that makes a lot of people want to come under his tent. Neither was Obama, who mocked everything I believe, non-stop, for 8 years. But it was OK when he did it. Because he's a genius, or something.

Trump is obviously more overtly crass than anyone we have seen. Which makes him more divisive. Is he way more divisive than Obama was? I don't think so. The difference is, those two presidents offend very different groups of people. The people offended by Obama, didn't riot every time he ridiculed them, they didn't burn down buildings. They formed the Tea Party, and moved the dial the way they wanted. When liberals get offended, their first instinct (first few instincts, probably) is to destroy property and go berserk.

Obama and the media had a mutual love affair, so all the coverage was favorable. Trump and the media hate each other, so all we see is negative news. Obviously most of it is legit, as Trump deserves a lot of criticism.

If there was no Obama, there likely would have been no Trump. It's a funny little world.
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