Thread: G20 Summit
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Old 07-14-2017, 04:20 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
So being POTUS exempts one's contacts from being "questionable"? And it absolves one's actions from being considered "hangingout"?
So now that Trump is POTUS, his contacts cannot be considered questionable, nor his actions considered "hangingout."

And who decides what is "questionable"? Isn't it nearly always the case that one considers the actions of those he opposes but can't be proven to be wrong, bad, or illegal, to be "questionable"?

You claimed falsely that Obama never "hung out" with socialists or communists. He did. And he was raised as a child by socialists and communists. Obama's several contacts previous to becoming POTUS were considered "questionable" by those who are anti-communist or anti-radical. Was he "hangingout" then? Was he colluding with left wing elements in our country and other parts of the world either through direct aid or political aid and intellectual or media backing on his way to the presidency?

Well if becoming POTUS absolves Obama of all that, I guess Trump, now being POTUS can be absolved of his "questionable" contacts.

he was raised as a child by socialists and communists. this statement alone is why I ignore your posts you love to sprinkle these little prejudice comments in your well written rants .. plese get back to me when you have info these questionable people ... hacked our election or were agents of a foreign power ...
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