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Old 07-16-2017, 05:47 AM   #1
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Jrs Russian emails

I know many of the Faithful insist he did do anything wrong it wasn't illegal

Bills blow Job wan't illegal but some love using that as an example

what is wrong in both cases they lied bill that he got one and Trumps people they never meet with the Russians

this is analogy was on the radio its not 100% word for word

Lets say Tump got and email asking if wished to attend an "Russian" orgy this was forwarded to him by Manafort and his Brother in Law also wished to attend and did

His reply is I WOULD LOVE TO!!!!
( non of them wore undergarments and had pockets of condoms they were ready )
They go and all are disappointed its no orgy but a cigar party

Several months later His wife (the Country ) hears and see's the email chain .... is any one dumb enough to think that their wife is going to say its ok honey it's a nothing burger its ok I am glad it wasn't an orgy do you still have the condoms?..

Hell no.. this question it going to be why the F----k did you think it was ok to go to an orgy in the 1st place they lied again .. its well over 20 times Team Trump denied any Russian contacts
And i am sure Dad new all about it ...

Last edited by wdmso; 07-16-2017 at 05:54 AM..
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