Thread: Health care
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Old 08-03-2017, 08:32 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
A Free market and for profit model hospital's are why health care is where it is today not obama care ... a free market wont fix a problem created by a free market system Heath care isn't a product... it was turned into 1

Hospitals and health care have been highly regulated for many decades. And the regulations have steadily grown over that time. Neither hospitals nor health care have been operating as free market models for a long time. The costs have steadily risen in that time. As well, the freedom in the market has steadily fallen. "Where it is today," as you put it, is the result of the decades of rising regulations and government intervention in general during that time. The costs, under the increasing regulatory system have not gone down. They have constantly increased. That you don't see the connection that stares you in the face, and blame the condition on something that doesn't exist is indicative of how well Progressive propaganda works.

Ultimately, the failure or success of any political or social or even economic system depends on the willingness of the people to make it work, no matter what the personal costs may be. Whether it is free market or communism, or any variations and gradations in between, the commitment of the people is required to make it all work.

Free markets are not responsible for the distortions imposed on them. They are not responsible for criminal abuses of them. They are certainly not responsible for government regulations which weaken their effectiveness and, worse, diminish their freedom. Freedom, with all the personal responsibilities and virtues which truly enable us to freely interact without diluting the freedom of others, is required to make a free market work. And a free market is the most dynamic way to truly "progress" from primitive poverty to wealthy nations, and thus to have access to the riches that humans are capable of creating and producing.

If we all commit to a free market and practice that commitment with the responsibility and virtue that freedom requires, we will create the wealth and technologies required for a maximum distribution of a good life for all, and that virtue will freely, without dictatorial coercion, provide for those not capable of doing so for themselves.

The fault does not lay in the free market. As Shakespeare would say: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings." When we surrender our freedoms to Caesar, to unlimited, dictatorial government, we degrade and ultimately destroy the free market and make the market a slave to tyrants.

That is why those who love liberty, with its unalienable rights, over security and unearned comforts, prefer free market systems rather than communistic, socialistic, fascistic systems. Those who prefer the comfort of government granted rights and securities tend to favor the socialistic, communistic, fascistic systems. All systems would work if we were all the same and we all committed to one of them. We are not all the same. If we are to live together, we must choose a system to which we all can commit. The Founders created a pretty good one to that end. But those who don't trust the rest of us have been trying for a century to transform our system of limited government and the people's unalienable rights to one of some sort of benevolent dictatorship.

This notion of a free market being the cause of our ills has been discussed in several posts, including conversations with you. You have not refuted nor even responded to most of the content in them (post #7 in this thread for instance). It seems you keep bringing up the same arguments which have been answered and refuted, over and over again. So, wearily we have to keep giving you basically the same responses which you don't seem to have understood the many times before. Debating with you about the free market brings to mind what it takes to keep responding to your blaming it for our problems. It takes the persistence advocated by the phrase "illegitimi non carborundum"

look at Oklahoma... Free market limited regulations has given them earthquakes their 2nd in the country
Oklahoma has had regulations and imposed new ones in response. Nor has the reason for the earthquakes been totally established:

Last edited by detbuch; 08-03-2017 at 08:51 PM..
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