Thread: Health care
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Old 08-04-2017, 03:32 PM   #47
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The health care system has been massively distorted by government regulations. At this point, the regulations have squeezed out competition. They have limited or denied the ability of individuals to freely trade with providers and insurers. They have made the costs for medical devices outrageously expensive. They have made, in general, health care so expensive that individuals cannot afford it. they have driven the system incrementally, and steadily, toward single payer government health care.

BIG Bad Goverment isn't the Problem Single payer is coming and heath insurance company's will be a memory they have already dug there own Grave with unsustainable rate hikes

health care will still happen hospitals doctors and nurses will still work medications will still be made the share holders will be the entire US not just stock holders look for a profit

Last edited by wdmso; 08-04-2017 at 03:40 PM..
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