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Old 08-09-2017, 09:14 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Stupid question perhaps however you basically speak about socialism as if we live in a socialist country

I speak about a country which was founded on individual freedom and which limited the central government to powers that protected that freedom, but which has been transitioning toward a collectivist society ruled by unlimited government. Socialism is one of the names for that latter type of government.

or in the last 50 years the US has been run but nobody else but progressives .

The ultimate runners of a country founded on individual freedom is the people, not the government. The runner of the country that is socialist/communist/etc. is the government. That we have accepted the idea, and express it as such, that the government runs the country shows how much we have departed from the notion that we are free.

Progressives, by capturing our source of education, were and are the ideological driving force that molded our perception of who runs the country. Progressives, in government, come with the letter D or R before their name. There used to be D's who fought the Progressive idea. That is no longer the case. There are still some R's who oppose it. But the R's are a mixed bag in that respect. The political elimination of the anti-Progressive R's as the preponderance of the People who accept government as the answer for all problems and savior of all in need, is "progressing."

your reality which I question seem to be absence of the existence of the right(republicans ) in our government you speak as if the never held a seat in the white house or ever controlled congress or a governorship or sat in a state house

You, obviously, don't have a clear picture of my "reality."

.. Joseph McCarthy comes to mind when I read your arguments ..

That's a VERY interesting comment. If you respond to any of my comments, I hope this, above any other, is the one you do. Please elaborate how McCarthy comes to mind.

maybe you think you have cornered the market on world view or just frankly think your smarter than the next guy your more likely smarter than me I really dont know that answer..

How do you get any of that? How is stating my views more of an expression of me being smarter that anybody different from you stating your views? Are you smarter than everybody, or have you cornered the market on world view, because you have an opinion and state it?

I just know the USA you see and the one I see well there is no intersection in the Two .. could be age upbringing social status to many factors to list ,, but like you i'll keep providing a different lens to look on things . and you keep doing the same and maybe we'll both end up getting a little of what we want for America
Getting a little of what we want depends on how much freedom we have to get it. That is, if we want to get it by dint of our own work. If we depend on government to provide what we want, we better hope that what we want is on the list of what the government offers. And that the government doesn't keep changing the list when it decides it can't afford it, or decides that it is not good for us, or that it is not fair, or if it just doesn't like us.

You have expressed satisfaction with getting what you want, so everything is fine with you. Others have complained about not being allowed to get what they want because government blocks them.

I suppose, if you think the USA is just fine and not heading in any unjust or oppressive manner, then you think all we have to do is keep seeing through our different lenses to "look on things." I don't see how that works if, as you say, there is no intersection. If there is no principle of government on which we agree, then what we want for America will exclude one or the other of us from getting what we want.
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