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Old 08-13-2017, 07:31 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
ha..ha...ha...was that Maxine Waters?... or was she the one that wanted them to move the camera so she could see where the astronauts planted the flag on Jupiter

I think his inference was that Hillary would have won Guam(according to a straw poll or something) and that probably would have swung things in her favor?
Scott should I think your inference is no they shouldn't vote there not Real Americans

If the POTUS and past POTUS can use Guam as a pawn in world politics by seeing an attack on it as an attack on America and Guamanians can server in our military fight in Americas Wars they should be treated as a Complete US citizen and be allowed to Vote ..

Guam, a U.S. possession since it was taken in 1898 from the Spanish, is the only American soil with a sizable population to have been occupied by a foreign military power.

During World War II, the Japanese held the island for almost three years and brutalized nearly everyone on it. They created concentration camps, forcing the indigenous Chamorro people to provide slave labor and sex.

"If there is a group of Americans who understand the price of freedom, we do," said Michael W. Cruz, lieutenant governor of Guam and a colonel in the Army National Guard.
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