Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-14-2017, 08:13 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
When our President doesn’t (repeatedly) condemn white supremacists, the KKK, white nationalists, alt right can he be considered a real American or a President for all?

He doesn't support those things, and he doesn't repeatedly condemn any specific (hate?) group on any "side." He lumps them all together as being unacceptable.

He has someone at his right hand who said in his previous job he was “giving the alt right” a platform. He started his rise to the presidency by question Pres. Obama’s birth.

The alt right is not exactly what it is portrayed to be by "centrists" or "leftists." For some in the movement it may approach some of that, for others it is not that at all. There are some things in the alt-right movement that should have a platform. It might achieve a balance to the platform given to leftism and its excessive accusations of whites (especially males) and western culture as being the cause of the world's problems.

He has been strangely quite (other to blame both sides equally) – maybe he is finally finishing the secret strategy he promised us to defeat ISIS or is finally finishing the report showing how President Obama “tapped” his phones.

Maybe that quietness needs to be made louder, but if it is, then if he blames one side more than another that might inflame the side which is comparitively overblamed.

Members of his own party and family have quickly and firmly condemn the hate shown Sat.

Has Trump disassociated from their condemnations? No.

Maybe now it is finally clear to all who possess even a limited intelligence what type of person he really is.

What a sad few days.
Your implications are not clarity.
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