Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-16-2017, 04:24 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by doc View Post
"you also had people that were VERY FINE people on BOTH sides."

perhaps you missed that comment which is similar to his original comment 'many sides' and his many comments suggesting that people on both sides are to blame...which is an obvious and disgusting attempt at moral equivalence. that is beneath the office of the presidency regardless of party and it should be an outrage that unites us all...
I addressed that. How do you know there weren't good people, who were there to peacefully protest taking down the statues? He specifically condemned the violence and bigotry, so it stands to reason that when he says there were "good people" in the crowd, he's referring to the ones that aren't violent bigots. If there are any, and maybe there weren't, in which case he was wrong.

Should he have phrased it differently? Sure. But it's not like he said "boy those white supremacists, I totally sympathize with their mission. I mean I live in New York, and if anyone has a reason to really despise blacks, it's me. In fact, let me write a big, fat check to the Klan right now". People are reacting as if that's what he said. He condemned violence and bigotry on all sides. "All sides" necessarily includes the side that the Nazis were on.

Now, I remember a long car ride when I was 8, I was in the back seat with my 12 year old brother. At one point he punched me in the head, I let out a large cry, and my dad (who was driving and stressed out) yelled "you two knock it off!!" Now, should he have yelled at my brother more than me? Sure. Did I conclude he liked what my brother did? Of course not. He used a poor choice of words.

If you want to say that Trump could have done more to single out the side that caused most of this, fine. To say he "defended" the Nazis? It's bonkers. Someone here suggested Trump is responsible for a synagogue that was vandalized. His daughter and son-in-law, both of whom Trump obviously adores, are Jews.

You can't have a rational conversation about Trump, with many liberals, including most of the media. You just can't. Maybe they were so embarrassed by ALL saying that the only thing not known on election night, was how lopsided Hilary's victory would be...maybe that shame and humiliation caused all of them to blow a gasket.
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