Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-16-2017, 08:58 PM   #60
Got Stripers
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
I read TDF's posts, every word. I don't see how a rational person could read that, and even come close to concluding that Trump "defended" the white supremacists. Because he said some people in the crowd were good people? How do we know there weren't some non-violent people there, who simply don't agree with taking the statues down? Condaleeza Rice said this week, she doesn't think the statues should come down. Oh my God, she's a white supremacist!!!! We had a white supremacist as sec state!!!
The fact he didn't take the opportunity to specifically and IMMEDIATELY call out those groups for what they are and in the strongest language tell them by name, we as Americans will never allow your BS to gain momentum.

A strong leader with any common sense would still be able comment on people going too far and operating outside the freedoms of free speech on both sides and STILL take a very hard line stance on what those Nazi F-heads and white supremacists are spouting. He has no moral backbone at all, he clearly showed that in his private life, nothing has changed. He can come down hard and easily label the fake media, the lying Clinton's, the nut job FBI director, emasculate his own attorney general and other appointed cabinet members; but he can't label these groups for what they are?

I'm so glad I cast my vote elsewhere and not because I thought Hilary was that much better, mainly because I see this clown for what he is. I get there is a lot of bad corruption in Washington. I get there is way too much government. I get that term limits are way out of line. I get that things are way over regulated. I get all these things, so you Trump supporters, who love to post links, complete transcripts of the latest news conference and spout what has been so wrong for so long, you don't have to convince me we need change; I just don't see this guy being the answer. In fact I think he has become part of the problem, because his inability to take the fing reigns and govern means we all loose.

Where is the leadership? Where is the ground breaking legislation? Where is the new health care he promised for all and that it would happen quickly; the same day in fact......what a naive idiot to think that coming in. Where is the Mexican financed wall? Tax reform, better lock up Twitter and get to work. You have stiffened the boarders and made us weaker in our own back yard.

I hope for us all that he somehow get's his #^&#^&#^&#^& together. I hope for us all he can grow a pair and ignore the noise and do some God damn presidential governing; but I just think this guy is a big fat looser and I'm really not confident he can thicken his skin, get off his Twitter account long enough to do some actual governing.
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