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Old 08-17-2017, 08:07 AM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
I didn't vote for him...Jim didn't either(right?)...John didn't...TDF either...I know a lot of typically democrat/swing voters who DID especially union types who are apparently secret fringenazialtheads?...

no clue what Sinclair Broadcasting is....
I didn't vote for him in the primary, but I sure voted for him in the general election, I donated money, made phone calls, and had a big sign on my lawn. It was going to be him or her, and on the issues that matter to me (freedom, national security, the economy, the unborn), if I have to choose between those was a distasteful choice, but a very easy choice.

Trump calls out violence and bigotry on all sides, and somehow THAT makes him a Nazi sympathizer. That makes all kinds of sense.

I saw Chris Wallace last night, and he is no Trump fan. Wallace played 15 different video clips over the last 2 years, of Trump denouncing David Duke, and racism of all kinds. It's never enough for the kooks, it never will be enough, there is no way they will be fair to him (and 'fair' can be critical, if he deserves it) for two consecutive seconds. Fortunately for him, I think he couldn't care less. He took their bias and clubbed them with it like a baby seal during the campaign, and it brought people to his side..

"no clue what Sinclair Broadcasting is"

Me either. But my guess is, it means you and I are Nazis.

I heard that when Trump woke up this morning, his first words were not "Hitler is bad". Must mean he's a Nazi, right?
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