Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-17-2017, 08:29 AM   #85
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by boot man View Post
You didn't know you were being set up? That's why I told him to watch for himself. He was looking for someone to report their opinion so he could attack it. No one did. But you posted next. As I tell my kids, I hope you learned from that mistake. Go in peace.
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I was looking for someone to show me a clip, or a transcript, that could rationally lead one to conclude that Trump supported the Nazis. TDF posted the transcript. I saw zilch in there that could be reasonably be interpreted, as defense of bigotry. I saw the opposite. And I do not like Trump one bit. But I am fair about it.

How did I set TDF up? What did I do with what he posted? Did I use it against him? I read it, and concluded that if Trump says "I condemn bigotry and violence" 35 times, I conclude he's therefore not a Nazi sympathizer. If Trump says "I condemn bigotry", and everyone on the left hears "I like bigotry", I think that's your problem, not his problem.
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