Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-30-2017, 08:06 AM   #182
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
We can disagree bc at this point I 'm more concerned w/a bunch of Neo Nazis and KKK.
The Nazis and KKK have almost no voice, almost no platform. Granted, even one of them is too many, but how much do we feel their presence, really, in terms of violence they carry out? No one gives them a microphone, no one takes them seriously, they are condemned everywhere, even by the president.

It's not a rising movement that has any momentum whatsoever. Compare that to BLM, ANTIFA, the maniacs who riot every time a conservative has the audacity to open his mouth on a college campus.

Ben Shapiro is a conservative speaker, he's not overly insulting, he's not remotely like Ann Coulter or that Milo guy, not nearly that inflammatory, he graduated from Harvard, which liberals usually associate with people who are very smart. He's going to be at Berkley in September, giving a talk about conservative principles. Watch what happens.
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