Thread: Charlottesville
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Old 08-30-2017, 08:38 AM   #21
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Joe McCarthy did not make up commies. He was way, way more right about the commies than wrong. The commie infiltration had even been worse than he imagined. He was smeared by made up lies. This has been documented.

And when the KKK killed most of the people that they did, they were solidly Democrat. And, no, the Dems and Repubs did not "switch." The Dems did not suddenly become Republican, nor did the Repubs suddenly become Democrat. If we want to talk about making something up, the "switch" is a made up story. If anything, when VOTERS, especially younger ones, in the South saw the Progressive mentality of the Dems, they started to vote more for the party that represented conservative American values. The Republican Party did not switch. It did not suddenly become Progressive. And, what is not mentioned by the "switch" believers, the South became less racist after it became Republican.

Both parties were evolving and changing. Both started moving to the left. That move has been almost constant in the last couple of decades. The Dems are pretty far left now, the Repubs are moderately so.
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