Thread: H-Bomb
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Old 09-07-2017, 08:10 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I read that Bannon pushed Pres Trump not to criticize the Alt right too strongly for fear of alienating Trump's core supports. What Bannon failed to recogonize is that the majority of Trump's supporters criticized the Alt right who participated in those marches and where horrified by Trump not criticizing the Nazis more. The thing I can't figure out is he likes "winners" so why isn't he calling for the removal of the statutes of a bunch of traitorous losers?

But back to the apologists - So aren't you being an apologist? Can't the same be said for anyone who posts on either side of a discussion in most threads?
"He was trying to put Nazis on equal footing with people who were marching against NAZIs."

Please post exactly what he said, that you interpreted as him equating Nazis, with those who oppose Nazis. He may have equated the violent jerks on both sides (Antifa is nothing more than a terrorist group), that's hardly the same thing as what you accused him of.

"everytime he called out a Nazi, he had to add something about antifa as if it killed him to call out a nazi."

So he called out both Nazis and Antifa. And that's what ticks you off. Yes, he could have said "Nazis have killed more people than Antifa ever will". But that's nowhere near "defending Nazis", which is what you accused him of.

"I would say if you think you are not a bigot and the person next to you is yelling something about Jews and is a self professed Nazi and you don't leave - you then are a bigot"

That's not a bad point. But interesting that you chose not to apply that logic to Obama, who had Al Sharpton in the Oval Office almost 100 times, and I don't recall you offering a syllable of criticism for that. How about we establish some rules, and we apply them equally to all presidents, regardless of party?

"He was defending nazis' bc some in the crowd word MAGA hats - ie "they like me, therefore they are me and me can't be all bad so they can't be bad".

He has condemned all kinds of bigotry, dozens of times, on camera. But let's ignore all that, because it doesn't fit The Narrative. The Narrative is having a hard time lately.

"aren't you being an apologist?"

No, I am being a rational adult who holds him accountable for the things he actually says and does. Just because I don't heap fabricated criticism at Trump, doesn't mean I am an apologist. I am highly, highly critical of the man. But I do it honestly, and that's the difference between us.
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