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Old 09-09-2017, 01:40 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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And I am not bringing up Hilary to defend Trump (you can just ask me, instead of making assumptions). I brought her up, to show the glaring hypocrisy of the left. It's not hateful when Hilary opposed gay marriage and supported deportation of little kids, nor is it problematic even when she slut-shames the victims of sexual assault on TV. But if a Republican dares to share those views, Paul, are you going to deny that they are portrayed in a more negative light, than when Hilary expresses those views?

That's what I'm getting at.

Oh, and watch what happens when Ben Shapiro (a harmless, thoughtful, not inflammatory like Ann Coulter) speaks at Berkley in 10 days or so. There may be nothing left of the town.

You almost never see conservatives throwing riots when liberals speak. Why is that?
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