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Old 09-30-2017, 08:28 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
I don't think the shoes Palin was wearing were actual flags. Nor were they a protest against the flag. If anything, as Scott noted, they were showing a symbolic pride in the stars and stripes. But if you think she was trying to show disrespect for the flag, that's you're opinion. If you think she was protesting the flag and what it represents, then you and Palin are probably not on the same philosophical wavelength. She didn't, as far as I know, make a public statement that the flag represented oppression.

Was your attached photo of Sarah's fashion statement somehow supposed to be evidence that Colin was not protesting the flag and what it represents?

you and Scott proved my point its all its all perception.. Palain wears it for Marketing the Flag... to promote herself my perception

Scott thinks its pride his perception

I see it as disrespectful to the Nation and Veterans when people in NC were carrying around Nazi flags.. much more so than taking a knee My perception

Trump and many saw it as just a protest but taking a knee those SOB'S!! others perception

Kneel or stand, fly a flag or dont. be a Vet or not . wear flag heels or maybe only on the weekend ,,,If for what ever reason you Have bought into the Narrative that some how your more Patriotic then another American. because you do or did any of those things. your not More Patriotic your just arrogant
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