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Old 10-05-2017, 04:20 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
WE ARE IN )#*$#$$!@ AGREEMENT on Bump Stock / slide fire. YOU ARE NOT READING THE EFFING QUOTE. I am cApLoCkInG so you might stop to read rather than narrativetalkingpoints. You are going down the road of NRA this and that and jumping topics. (PS - not yelling mad, yelling shockingly but with @#(*#$@#$ smiley faces )

As for trigger control, some are way faster than others (though when speed goes up accuracy typically goes down). Kindofa stunt like a ProgressiveSocialist 22 year old mom's basement with Cataracts "Medical Marijuana" recipient searching for a higher THC count. Well, except Medical Marijuana is not in the Bill of Rights.

I am-not arguing with those who agree on Ban on Bump stocks again just showing the BS Marketing

As for noise? Any reduction in noise DBA at your ear is beneficial, no?

Really thats your answer to that kind of marketing

A good read on how MOST legislation is effed up by our elected officials and often written by Lobbyists. Ever hear of the Affordable Care Act?
your comparing the ACA with Willful blocking of law enforcement to track guns in America talk about narratives and Talkingpoints.

these are all factual statements from the NRA and the bump stock maker If you find this kind marketing acceptable I cant change that nor Am i just exposing to sunlight

So you think posting the address of people that have X amount of firearms, publicly, would be a good idea? The two biggest firearms problems we have are suicides and violence with youth / gang - frequently with stolen / underground weapons.

Good idea?
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