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Old 10-16-2017, 08:20 AM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
How are their ratings? Who on the right doesn't watch them any more? The evangelicals who voted for the 3x married womanizer, who lies constantly and bragged about assualting woman?

Is this the debate you want to have?
Yes, this is the debate I want. Because most people on my side will admit that Trump, personally, is not a good guy. It's your side, not my side, who refuses to call out the creeps on their side.

I want this debate, because I cannot lose this debate. It would be harder for me to win a debate with someone who is pro-slavery, than to win this debate.

Paul: NBC and the NYT didn't bury anything.

Jim and John R provide evidence that they did.

Paul: Oh, yeah? Well what about Fauxnews, and Jim's all-consuming hate?

Yes, I am truly nervous about this debate.
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